The Ultimate Guide To Having Fun In Chicago Without Any Booze

Still reeling from eggnog-induced holiday hangovers? You’re not alone. Following a season of merry excess, the new year brings new opportunities for a reset—and a more balanced approach to mulled wine, perhaps. Dry January or not, it’s an apt time of year to reassess one’s relationship with alcohol, whether that means cutting it out entirely, simply cutting back, or taking more of a Damp January approach.

Across the US, the non-alcoholic landscape has evolved substantially in recent years. Nowadays, non-alcoholic wines and beers are a booming business, major airlines are offering more booze-free alternatives, and the condescending term “mocktail” is a thing of the past, reserved for cloying Shirly Temples, while zero-proof cocktails have become as impressive and innovative as their boozy counterparts. They even come in canned form now.

All over the country, from Denver to Boston, sobriety isn’t just a buzz word or a fleeting flirt with Dry January, it’s a way of life—and an enriching, fulfilling one at that. Chicago is no exception. While much has been made of the city’s myriad craft breweries and award-winning cocktail bars, this is a world-class city with a proven penchant for hospitality, and truly something for everyone.

No matter how wet or dry your January may be, or where you land on the “new year, new me” mood board, there’s plenty to do, see, and drink in Chicago—without a drop of alcohol. In bars and beyond, from indoor pickle ball courts to outdoor slopes, there are endless entertainment options to be had beyond a boozy bar crawl. Here is the ultimate guide to having fun in Chicago while sober.

Non-Alcoholic Food and Drink Things to Do in Chicago

Zero-proof cocktails

Non-alcoholic cocktails have come a long way from soda water and juice. Lately, bartenders and mixologists have been pouring as much diligent effort and thought into zero-proof cocktails as they do their alcoholic offerings, enabling customers to savor the same craft without the hangover—and often at a lower price point.

This means that some of Chicago’s most revered cocktail bars, like Billy Sunday and Kumiko, offer elaborate mixed drinks that are well-balanced, flavorful, and Insta-ready, without an ounce of alcohol.

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