
© 2024 Sponsored by HP4LIFE.club

Scavenger Hunt Rules:

Join the Group:
All participants must join the HP4Life.club Alumni Scavenger Hunt group to be eligible.

The scavenger hunt is open to all alumni attending the picnic.

Task Completion:
Each task must be completed as specified in the scavenger hunt posts. Tasks can involve photos, videos, written entries, or specific activities.
There are props circling to use. If you have any props pass them around.

To qualify for points, participants must post their completed tasks in the specific scavenger hunt post in this group.
Create an hashtag also.

Point System:
Points will be awarded based on the highest likes/tags/thumbs up on scavenger tasks. 

Original Content:
All submissions must be original and created by the participant. Reposting others' content is not allowed.

Respect and Courtesy:
Be respectful and courteous to all participants and moderators. Negative behavior or harassment will result in disqualification.

Fair Play:
No cheating or tampering with the hunt. Any evidence of unfair play will lead to disqualification.

Moderators’ Decisions:
All decisions made by the moderators regarding points and task completions are final.

Safety First:
Ensure that all tasks are completed safely and responsibly. Do not put yourself or others at risk.

Time Frame:
The scavenger hunt will run from 8 AM to 7 PM. All submissions must be posted by 7 PM to be counted.

Photo and Video Permissions:
By participating, you agree to have your photos and videos shared within the group and used for event promotions.

Have Fun:
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy reconnecting with fellow alumni!

© 2024 Sponsored by HP4LIFE.club